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Module Specification

Up to two modules may be selected for each search. View will find the optimal system design for each module and return the results from only the best module. Modules may either be selected from the existing CEC database, the Plant Predict Database or may be created by the user using module datasheet information from the manufacturer. It is not currently possible to upload a PAN file into the View platform although this is a feature that is being worked on by SAM and will likely be available in future releases. For a full description of how to select or create a module, please refer to the section on Enter Electrical Data.


Module Performance Modeling

The CEC performance model is utilized as the basis for module performance for all View searches within SAM. Additionally, the mounting specific heat transfer method (as detailed in the SAM user documentation) is utilized for cell operating temperature correction when CEC database modules are selected. In this case, the module dimensions are used as basis for heat transfer calculations. Alternatively, the Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT) correction method (as detailed in the SAM user documentation) is utilized for cell operating temperature correction when Plant Predict database or user defined modules are selected. 

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